I4MMT’s services are mainly focused on heavy duty dry cooling systems used for power plants, chemical plants, oil and gas processes, WTE plants, ORC plants, renewable energy systems, metallurgical industry and other heavy duty industrial applications.
Dry Cooling Systems
Design and optimization of new air fin coolers and
air cooled condensers:
- V-delta arrangement
- induced and forced draft arrangement
- modularization
- pre-assembly workshops
- customized bay size design (tailor made and special)
- multiple finned tubes type and tube bundle headers type
- multiple materials type
- multiple fan drive equipment design
- Thermal rate and mechanical design optimization based on Client’s technical specs, noise limit, space restrictions and other costrains
- Cost estimation
- Customer support along the whole bid process for technical, commercial and contractual issues
- Mechanical design calculations of pressure parts (tube bundles, deaerators, condensation tanks) as per required codes EN13445/ASME VIII div. 1
- Structural calculations as per required codes
- Basic and detailed engineering (main material data sheets, performance curves, main equipment selection, etc.)
- Quality inspection plans
- 3D models and 2D general assembling drawings
- Detailed drawings (manufacturing and erection drawings, etc.)
- Steel structure’s Tekla model used for construction drawings
- Manufacturing, transport and preservation procedures
- Manuals for mechanical erection, cold and hot commissioning
- Plant start-up, operation and maintenance manual
- Performance test procedures
Full time supervision during manufacturing and
mechanical erection process:
- regular inspections of appointed contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers’ work (expediting, quality control, ND tests survey etc.)
- site supervision during plants’ erection
- cold and hot commissioning supervision
- plant start-up supervision
- performance test conduct and survey
- Infrared camera survey
- Periodical maintenance activities
- Vacuum decay tests
- Hydraulic and pneumatic tests
- Up-grade of existing vacuum systems
- Design and supply of tailor made ambient air humidification systems
- Up-grade of existing fan drive equipment
New plant feasibility studies:
- Debottle-neck of underperforming plants
- Thermal design checks and revamping proposals
- Active promotion of hybrid solutions (dry and wet combination)
- Original control logic review and up-grade (discrete control, noise abatement and mitigation, electrical consumption reduction, prevention from: freezing, uneven distribution of process fluids, trapped air, excess subcooling, etc.)
- Overall efficiency improvements of existing plants
- Implementation of the latest finned technology in existing heat exchangers
- Noise and vibration analysis
- Design and supply of tailor made semi-automatic and fully automatic cleaning systems
About I4MMT
I4MMT was founded in 2015 by a team of professionals with several years of experience in thermal engineering. I4MMT has quickly become a valuable partner for general contractors and companies who seek quality, timeliness and flexibility.
Thanks to the experience of the team and its consolidated technical background, I4MMT offers a ‘full package’ of thermal and mechanical engineering services, from the preliminary stages of each project till their commercial operation. I4MMT focuses on heavy duty dry cooling systems, including, but not limited to, air fin coolers and air cooled condensers.
I4MMT is certified ISO 9001:2015.
I4MMT Headquarters
Corso San Gottardo 20
6830 Chiasso - CH
+ 41 91 682
07 47